Michael was born on August 28, 1958 - one of 9 kids. cute African-American very talented guy. Despite the current, sad stories about his lonely, sad childhood, Michael Jackson grew up surrounded by famous people and an adoring public. At the age of 5, Michael and his brothers were the amazing 'Jackson 5'. They played locally, then in New York and Philly.
His father reportedly nicknamed him "Big Nose". But Michael was very much apprehensive about his nose and he desperately wanted to get rid of the same.
This was his "Thriller" Era and his music touched millions of people across the globe no matter their language or culture or race or politics. Michael Jackson gets his nose slightly narrowed and his eyebrows shaped to match to the toes. Michael Jackson lived a life that of a king and only few can think of emulating such a lifestyle of extr

He was cute as hell and such was the charisma of this bronze skin lad that he was quoted as a cute little guy by many. Oh, baby! He went on giving interviews, had perfect sense of humor and was often seen on the national television basking in the glory of his success. Well what he was not seen with was wearing the face mask filled with oxygen layer. He had a big infectious smile enough to enchant his fans all the way round. He made hit after hit, celebrated music videos one after another, sealed obscenely huge record sales and contracts.
But then then something happens which really turns the life cycle of Michael Jackson upside down. His craze to beautify himself lands him into something which nobody can dream of!
He gets his nose work done again and the Plastic surgeon botches up the surgery. Truly pathetic! But this was not enough for him he gets cheek bones done. In a mere year and a half his skin's gone from beautiful cocoa bronze to fish belly white. He first denies this, then blames it on the medical condition Vitiligo which causes people of color to develop light patches of skin that lack pigment.

Well he doesn't say this, his "people" say this. Rumors mills also say that he's been allegedly taking female hormones to remove facial hair and keep that voice of his at the 12 year old boy pitch. Now he was speaking with the voice better connoted as a small girl's whispers!
Now Michael Jackson is said to have become creepy. He has become a point of joke for many and people quoting him as that “Only in America can you be born a black man and end up a white woman”.
If this was not enough Michael Jackson went on for a manly cleft in his chin and a dropped, square jawline. Oh God ! He gets his nose job done again and now sports little teeny triangles for nostrils and a sharp razor ridge you could grate cheese on!
He messed with it all again! Now his skin color has changed to toilet paper pink, cheeks seem to be squirrel socking nuts away for the winter. The devastating part is that the tip of his nose is so damaged from the operations that the tissues have died, and for sure he's now w

The shocking news of child molestation charges comes to light and it was indeed the last straw for his sponsors to cancel his contracts!
Whatever strangeness occurred in his life, however wrapped in controversy his sudden death due to drugs overdose was another event that has become one of the milestones which history can never think of repeating. Jackson has left the world an incredible legacy that cannot be denied!
There are some people though for whom the influence of Jackson will much more significant. Well, they can never forget him and his legacy persists for time long.
His friends and fa

The three children apparently get along well with each but are paralyzed with fear when meeting outsiders, just like ordinary losers. The Jackson children really have had a unique life that will likely only become more so as it goes on. Yes, they lost their father but they also have access to virtually unlimited funds to sustain themselves.
Jackson lived a strange isolated life from a very young age and it turned him a little funny. That is a legacy he has passed onto his children and so it’s quite sensible to assume t

For the millions of his fans, and even those who could care less about the man and music, that legacy will forever be a part of their lives.
Though the impact can diminish as time rolls on, as they grow and live their own lives, but Jackson will always be a part of them even if it is in some small way.
Totally FALSE and MISLEADING. May Good God help you and forgive you for all this written rubbish. King of Pop will always be the King, the kind-hearted and innocent human being. Long live The Kng Of Pop